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Tune in to David Walliams' Marvellous Musical Podcasts

David Walliams has teamed up with Classic FM to bring us a marvellous musical journey of discovery where he meets some of the most famous names from the history of music – from Ludwig ‘Grumpy’ van Beethoven to 19th-century rock star Franz Liszt.

There are ten episodes of about 20 minutes each, with the full list of podcasts playable via GlobalPlayer.

Each episode is also accompanied by a playlist in Apple Music.

Classic FM have also produced a list of 21 classical music activities for families, including Skype lessons with a musician, and a review of the best music apps for beginners.

Educate kids about classical music in a humorous way with David Walliams’ Marvellous Musical Podcast. There are 10 episodes to enjoy – including ‘Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’, ‘The Liszt Factor’ and ‘Ballet’.


music, audio, ks2, ks3, age 7-11, age 11-14, free resources