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Free access to coding courses for kids from Tynker

Tynker are providing home access to their premium coding programs during school closures. You can sign up for free access until April 30th

Their learning apps allow kids to progress at their own pace starting with basic instructions for 5-7 year olds, to drag and drop coding for 7-13 year olds, through to real-world coding (eg: JavaScript, Python, web development) for 13 years and above.

Parents and kids learning from home can access our premium coding program, Tynker for Home, FREE during school closures. With immersive story-based coding courses, Minecraft modding, multiplayer code battles, and 3D game design, there’s something to engage everyone.


computing, free resources, age 5-7, age 7-11, age 11-14, ks1, ks2, ks3