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Join the Summer Reading Challenge!

Created by The Reading Agency, and launched on Friday 5th June, the Summer Reading Challenge 2020 allows children to join the Silly Squad on a new adventure by setting their own personal reading challenge to complete this summer. 

When signing up, the challenge allows your child to create a free profile to keep track of their books, reviews, and all of the special rewards they will unlock along the way. 

Four easy steps for children, once you have signed them up:

1. Join the Silly Squad and pick your avatar

2. Discover awesome books to read

3. Play games earn points and more!

4. Unlock badges throughout the challenge

The Reading Agency have also provided heaps of super silly activities, quizzes, videos, games and more to keep children entertained at home. This year's Challenge runs from June to September, so there is plenty of time to participate over the summer.

The Summer Reading Challenge, presented by The Reading Agency, is delivered in partnership with public libraries and funded by Arts Council England. The Challenge encourages children aged 4 to 11 to enjoy the benefits of reading for pleasure over the summer holidays, providing lots of fun and enjoyment as well as helping to prevent the summer reading ‘dip’.


reading, english, age 3-5, age 5-7, age 7-11, eyfs, ks1, ks2