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Staying active in Lockdown#3 - Joe Wicks returns, and 21 other ways to keep fit this new year

If you are back in lockdown in the UK - or anywhere else in the world, you may be looking for new ways to keep active and get fit in 2021.

For some missing PE with Joe, you will be pleased to hear that Joe Wicks is restarting his online PE lessons from next week, to help families keep fit during lockdown. To join in, visit The Body Coach TV Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9am (GMT) from Monday 11th January.

For adults or teenagers looking for a new way to keep fit this new year, take a look at 21 ways to get fit in 2021 from BBC Sport, or The best online workout classes to keep fit at home from The Guardian (free/paid content).

And if you are looking for alternative online videos to help children keep active during lockdown, see our earlier post Other ways to get active with kids at home.

Joe Wicks is restarting his online PE lessons from next week, to help families keep fit during lockdown. The personal trainer told the BBC he wanted to "give children structure" and help them feel "more optimistic". He said live sessions would run on his YouTube channel at 09:00 GMT on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He told BBC Breakfast he had "a really emotional moment last night", after Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a new national lockdown for England on Monday evening. "I was thinking about all the children in the UK and all around the world that are at home in tiny little flats… and they feel like they miss their friends and they miss school," he said.


pe, free resources, keeping active, for adults, age 3-5, age 5-7, age 7-11, sport, age 11-14